Tuesday, November 26, 2019


THE MONOLOGUE essays It all started when I was out with the guys at this bar. I told myself I wouldn't, but I ended up drinking. Its hard to go to a bar and not have ANYTHING. I told my wife I wouldn't drink anything, but that idea soon went out of focus...literally. I just needed to take my mind off being so completely in debt. Soon the place became very crowded, a few drinks turned into many and soon got tanked including me. I decided to leave the scene and take a power walk. As I was walking down the street, it occured to me...I really needed some towels from Bed, Bath and Beyond. As I walked in the store I got a basket and started shopping like a maniac. I mean...I went absolutely psycho-path and decided that I need more. It just wasn't the towels that I needed, our house needed blankets, throws, tea kettles, a new filtration system, a ceiling pot rack, napkin rings, lamps, suana robes, a new clock, candle and candles holders and an aerobed for my grandparents since they're coming to visit. They really should have a warning sign right at the entrance of this place, it can put you in debt. Once you step in, you think you need everything. As I was at the cash register to pay for all my items, the lady told me if I wanted cash or credit. I wasn 't sure...just looking at all the items in my basket made me go crazy. I was speechless. She told me to hold up one finger for credit and two fingers for cash. I held up one finger. I then came to my senses and gave her my Mastercard. As she ran it through the machine, the trickles of sweat kept pouring down my face. By the look on her face I knew there was bad news. I heard her deep voice say in super slow motion, "I'm sorry sir, your credit card got denied. Would you like me to swipe it again?" I hate that dreaded word,"denied." I was completely denied. I left all the stuff and ran into my car. Luckily, I knew where it was parked. Sadly, I got a $100 ticket for parking next to a fire hydrant. That just ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Adjective Phrase Definition and Examples

Adjective Phrase Definition and Examples In English grammar, an adjective phrase is a group of words that functions as an adjective  in a sentence. An adjective headword may be accompanied by modifiers, determiners, and/or qualifiers  (all of which are called dependents). Also known as an  adjectival phrase.   Adjective phrases modify nouns. They may be attributive (appearing before the noun) or predicative (appearing after a linking verb), but not all adjectives can be used in both positions. Examples and Observations The prototypical adjective phrase consists of a single adjective, tall in Sally is tall, or an adjective headword and a qualifier, very tall. Even taller than the woman who coaches her volleyball team is more elaborate, but because it can substitute for the single adjective tall (Sally is even  taller than the woman who coaches her volleyball team), you can recognize it as an adjective phrase.(Thomas P. Klammer et al., Analyzing English Grammar, 5th ed. Pearson, 2007)Humans can be fairly ridiculous animals.(Barbara Kingsolver, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life, 2007)The unicorn blinked and swished its tail and  looked fairly ridiculous  on the folding tabletop.(Steven R. Boyett, Elegy Beach, 2009)  Tina lost her dark brown briefcase.Mr. Sweet was a tall, thinnish man with thick kinky hair going dead white.  He  was dark brown, his eyes were very squinty and sort of bluish, and he chewed Brown Mule tobacco.(Alice Walker, To Hell With Dying, 1967)After Dons ac cident, his behavior grew stranger and stranger. You  want a second opinion? O.K.  says the doctor. Youre ugly, too.  She liked that joke. She thought  it was terribly, terribly funny.(Lorrie Moore, Youre Ugly, Too, 1990) Premodifiers, Postmodifiers, and Discontinuous Modifiers An adjective phrase consists of an adjective which may be preceded and/or followed by other words. The premodifier is always an adverb phrase, but the post-modifiers can be an adverb phrase, a prepositional phrase, or even a clause. It is also possible to have a modifier that is partly in front and partly behind the head, called a discontinuous modifier, abbreviated as disc-mod. (Marjolijn Verspoor and Kim Sauter, English Sentence Analysis: An Introductory Course. John Benjamins, 2000) Noun Phrases and Adjective Phrases There may be very little difference between a noun phrase and an adjective phrase in structures where the adjectives occur before the word it qualifies. Most noun phrases consist of a head noun plus one or more adjectives, or indeed an adjective phrase itself. Consider the examples in a, below. a. [ADJECTIVE PHRASES]It was cold, bleak, biting weather.Hes an extraordinary looking man, and yet I can really name nothing out of the way.In Beijing these days, one of the fastest-growing fortunes the world has ever seen is managed by fewer than two-dozen traders.This was a hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman, with a shock of hair prematurely white, and a boisterous and decided manner. In each of these examples, if we include the italicized head nouns, we have noun phrases with embedded adjective phrases; without the head nouns, we have adjective phrases. The focus is always on the head word (HW). (Bernard ODwyer, Modern English Structures: Form, Function, and Position. Broadview, 2006) Phrases Within Phrases [C]onsider . . . our example: The young man picked the best bloom from the very delicate orchid. The sequence from the very delicate orchid is a prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase consists of a noun phrase and a preposition. One can demonstrate that the sequence from the very delicate orchid is a coherent group of words by moving it as in: From the very delicate orchid the young man picked the best bloom. The word very is an intensifying adverb and it modifies delicate to form an adjective phrase within the noun phrase within the prepositional phrase. This phrase-within-a-phrase structure is shown by bracketing below: [The young man] picked the best bloom [from [the [very delicate] orchid]]. We could add very carefully to this sentence. Since carefully is an adverb and very is an intensifying adverb modifying it, very carefully would be an adverb phrase.(Barry J. Blake, All About Language. Oxford University Press, 2008)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Territorial Disagreements between the Jewish People and the Research Paper

Territorial Disagreements between the Jewish People and the Palestinian Arabs - Research Paper Example According to this Declaration, the British government supported the Zionist movement which demanded territory in Palestine exclusively for the Jews. This territory would provide all the legal and civil rights to the Jews. With the Balfour Declaration, the British government established a national home for the Jews without violating the rights of the existing non-Jews in Palestine or the rights of the Jews in any other country (Gelvin, 2005). Both the communities asserted their legal claim on Palestine. While the Jews demanded that they have historical rights over the territory, the Arabs have claimed that they have inhabited Palestine for many centuries (Khater, 2010, p.143). It is only political stubbornness that is causing hindrance to peace between the Israelis and the Arabs. There has been already a proposal that dictates that the two sides should accept the division of the territory into two states. This proposal has been advocated globally, and even by the majority of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians. It now remains that the leaders on both sides come to a common agreement. Even though proposals from both sides are very close, still the current Israeli Prime Minister shows no sign of relent claiming that the conflict cannot be solved (Hill, 2012). As another possible solution there can be a one-state solution by which Jews and Arabs will stay together with common political and social rights. However, seeing the murderous hatred between them even this cannot be a viable solution as this can only probably cause another holocaust. The impact of World War I can be long-lasting in the Middle Eastern region.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Assignment - Research Paper Example Therefore, in order for the businesses to remain competitive, advertising and fashion shows have become important activities that aim at attracting the customers. However, the level at which models with low body mass index is used in fashion shows and advertising within the fashion arts is alarming. This paper will therefore discuss reasons why use of models with low body mass index in fashion shows and advertising within the fashion arts should be banned. The largest market segment composes of the young generation. These are people who are willing to use their disposable money on luxurious goods. Therefore, they are easily swayed by the models with low body mass index. With the changing perception concerning the fashion industry, many of the young people want to look like the models that are used in the fashion shows and adverts of the fashion arts. Even though majority of them do not have the knowledge on losing weight, they try to use any means available to look like the fashion models. For instance, research indicates that many turn to diet in order to reduce their body mass index (Perrier 27). This is through reducing the amount of food they take or skipping some of the meals. Majority of these people ends up being malnourished or suffering from diseases that are associated with poor feeding habits. On the other hand, other groups of people have turned their attention to drugs that are perceived to help the users reduce the body mass index. Some of these drugs have devastating side effects. Majority of the users suffer from body reactions that emanates from the use of the drugs. This is because there are no prescribed ways of using them. Furthermore, majority of them are misled and do not have the information on the repercussions of these drugs on their bodies. Therefore, during fashion shows and fashion adverts, models used should be a representative of the whole population. These are people of all body sizes. Nevertheless, during

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Laws Special Education Essay Example for Free

Laws Special Education Essay Prior to 1969, there was no special education or related services offered to learning-disabled children. By providing funds, the Public Law of 1969 known as the Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act has recognized children with learning disabilities (Berger, 2008, p. 302) and enabled them to receive special education and other services such as physical therapy, speech, transportation, etc. In addition, by enforcing mandated education for all children, the Public Law has protected children with disabilities from being rejected or forced out of school as it used to happen before 1960s (Berger, 2008, p.302). By requiring local educational agencies to offer special education services for students with disabilities (Dunlap, 2009, p. 5), the Public Law provided parents/guardians with the opportunity to receive necessary assistance. As of 1975, the Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) required each child with disabilities to have the Individual Education Plan (IEP) written by the multidisciplinary team working with the student, which allowed specifying educational goals according to childs unique needs. Also, by placing children with special needs in least restrictive environment (a setting as close as possible to a setting designed for children without disabilities), the EAHCA has helped the students with learning disabilities to advance their academic achievement and social skills (Berger, 2008, p. 302). Since the integration of EAHCA in 1975, the parental participation in the writing, approval, and evaluation of each child’s IEP has become mandatory (Dunlap, 2009, p. 91). The EAHCA also guarantees parents the right to sue a district if they feel that the best interest of their child is not being met or if they disagree with decisions regarding services provided to their child (Dunlap, 2009, p. 7). Since 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has worked in favor of â€Å"individuals† (previously referred to as children) to assist them with their â€Å"disabilities† (previously referred to as handicaps) (Berger, 2008, p. 302). IDEA emphasized parents right and collaboration in educational placement, IEP, and assessment of their child (Dunlap, 2009, p. 11). This law allowed parents to have advocates in schools (trained individuals to work for the welfare of their children). Updated in 1997 and 2004, IDEA strengthened the role of parents and their rights to be involved in educational decisions affecting their children. As these laws have contributed to the present status of Special Education in the U. S. , they continue being crucial in ensuring the help that individuals with disabilities need. While the public law makers have incorporated numerous special services, they keep modifying previously integrated laws to ensure that each child’s unique needs are met. The IDEA of 1990, for example, added autism as classification category to address current disability (Dunlap, 2009, p. 9). Its amendment of 1997 listed AD/HD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) as a â€Å"separate disability category, making children with AD/HD eligible for services under the health-impairment category Other† (Dunlap, 2009, p. 11). Bibliography Berger, K. S. (2008) The developing person: Through the life span (7th ed. ) (pp. 301-305). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Dunlap, L. L. (2009). An introduction to early childhood special education: Birth to age five. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc..

Thursday, November 14, 2019

turkey Essays -- essays research papers

The Turkish Republic was established in 1923, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The Empire had been slowly declining for several centeries, this can be attributed to its inablity to keep up scientificaly and the socail and political wars. Finally the Lausanne Peacem Treaty of July 24, 1923 established the international status and boundaries of the new country. The Republic of Turkey was formally declared on October 29, 1923. It immediatly started on a course of modernization in all walks of life. Turkey would base its political and legal sytems on the modern secular models as well as strengthening its political relations with the West to reach its goals as a new republic. The goals as expressed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the leader of the nationalist movement and first president of the Turkish Republic, were "to reach the level of contemporary civilization". To achieve these goals, a doctirne for foreign relations was created; as Atarurk said, "Peace at home, Peace in the world." This has not been and easy task, the history and geographical location of Turkey. It lies at a "crossroads" where the two large continents of Europe and Asia meet. This unique location gives Turkey a very diverse populations, Balkan, Mediterranean, Middle Eastersn, Caucasian and Asian identities. This has highly influenced its Foreign Polocy. Its primary objective is in short to develope friendly relations with all countries, most partic...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Human nature Essay

Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a classic work that weaves intolerance, religion, hysteria and vested interests to paint one of the serious human pitfalls in history. At the heart of the Crucible is conflict fueled by personal interests – meaning, evil is more difficult to handle if it manifest itself in groups of people, but that these groups are formed because of a few people’s vested interests. The Crucible shows this clearly, which makes it a relevant work of literature today even if it made its debut more than fifty years ago. After all, the problems we are facing today are, in their most basic forms, the same – fight for resources, struggle for survival, battle for honor. The story begins when the daughter of the local preacher Reverend Parris, Betty has fallen ill. Parris has seen his daughter dancing in the woods with his niece, Abigail Williams, and his slave, Tituba, and a group of girls. He thinks that the girls must have been dabbling in witchcraft. Parris is worried about his reputation in the community – Salem being a Puritanical village, with its strict observance of rules and religion. Parris wants to make sure that his reputation stays intact, his name clean. There are those who are interested with his position being the reverend. He asks his niece if he has nothing to worry about, Abigail denies the charges. Parris asks her if her name has been soiled, since there are rumors going around that Elizabeth Proctor would not sit close next to a soiled woman, and that Elizabeth has stopped attending Church religiously. And then no one wanted to hire her. Abigail comes back at him telling him that he thinks she is a burden because of the upkeep of having her. Abigail actually calls the girls and tells them not to admit anything when John Proctor comes in and talks to her. Apparently, they have had an affair a year ago when she worked for him, that is why his wife Elizabeth fired her. Abigail still wants John, but he does not want her anymore, and is concerned with his public reputation. Betty wakes up and begins screaming, and talks of her being bewitched ensues. Parris has called in Reverend Hale, a supposed expert on witchcraft, to look at his daughter, and investigate what is going on. Hale suspects something is amiss with Abigail’s actions, and calls on Tituba who confesses to communicating with the devil. Abigail joins Tituba, and Betty also joins them in their accusing certain people of witchcraft. After a week, Elizabeth talks to her husband and asks him to expose Abigail as a fraud but John does not want to have anything to do with the whole issue. Elizabeth is hurt, thinks that John still has feelings for Abigail. They fight over John’s infidelity. Their maid Mary comes home and informs them that Elizabeth has been named as a witch. They continue fighting until some villagers drop by and say that their wives have been arrested, and shortly after officers come and arrest Elizabeth. John is aghast and pressures Mary to expose Abigail and the other girls as frauds. Proctor takes Mary to court so she could testify against the girls, the judge Danforth tells him that Elizabeth is pregnant and will be spared for some time. Proctor insists, and Mary tells the court that the girls are lying. The girls are called in and instead accuse Mary of bewitching them. Proctor then confesses he had an affair with Abigail and that she wants to get back at them, wanted to get rid of his wife. To test this claim, Danforth calls Elizabeth, but instead she lies to save her husband’s reputation. Danforth calls Proctor a liar, and Mary breaks down and accuses Proctor of being a witch. Proctor is consumed by rage and the court has him arrested. Hale sees all of these and quits. The season change, autumn has arrived. Abigail took Parris’ money and ran away. Neighboring towns are in unrest because of the witch trials in Salem. Danforth is anxious over these developments. Hale works with the accused witches and tries to convince them to yield and confess to save their lives. They refuse. Danforth talks to Elizabeth to ask John to confess. John tells her that he is not holding out because of religion, rather he wanted the men responsible to feel guilty because they know he is innocent. After a while he agrees to the confession, but he would not name other people as witches and tears up the confession. John is sent to the gallows with others. Hale and Parris ask Elizabeth to talk to John again, but Elizabeth refuses because her husband is finally standing up for goodness. The protagonist is John Proctor, the main character who undergoes a character change and wins the respect and sympathy of viewers. He starts off as a worldly man who is consumed by his lust which led him to have an affair with Abigail, and then even knowing about her lies he refuses to do anything because he is concerned about his name. Yet, he attempts to do something about it, by badgering Mary, without revealing his secret, his affair. When that does not work, he makes known his affair to convince the court that Abigail and the girl are lying, but Elizabeth lies for him. He was a weak character, he even considered signing a confession just to make it alive, but his transformation is complete when he would not falsely name others as witches. He reaches his point and realizes that he has lost his public reputation and all he has left is his conscience. The other character which went through a huge change is Hale, who begins as someone who feels important because he believes he specializes in a subject – witchcraft. But even when he started as haughty and acted as though he could determine the fate of others by determining if they are witches or not, he later sees the truth and the injustice of it all, sees through the hysteria. But he loses his sense of power, and instead advises the accused to surrender and confess even if the allegations are not true, just so their lives will be spared. He then becomes not a scion of light and strength, but an agent embodying submission, by giving importance to survival over than upholding and fighting for what is right and just. The other interesting character is Abigail, the young woman who plays villain in this story. She has a low status in Salem village being unmarried and orphan, and she uses the opportunity to get back not only at Elizabeth to win over John Proctor, but also at the privileged people in society. Thus she leads the girls to getting back at the judgment society has passed over them. Lastly, Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, showed resilience and love for the protagonist. In a way, her love for him helped in transforming him. She was hurt with his infidelity, but she still thought of him and how important his name and reputation over her own judgments. In the end, she understood that John finally found goodness, one that is more true than the public reputation he so wanted to protect. All these events came about because of the characters in Salem – the village was puritanical, and quick to point the finger to wash themselves of suspicions. Abigail dabbled in witchcraft because she wanted Elizabeth dead and John for herself. John did not want to expose the truth because doing so would expose his secret affair and ruin his reputation as well. Even when there was no real reason for the deaths, it came to be because of the hysteria that Abigail whipped, her and the girls’ accusations of witchcraft. And because the people in village did not believe in tolerance, they wanted to see people get punished. But beneath these reasons lie deeper motivations. The people in Salem were not really spiritual – they may claim to be religious in the sense of following the rites of their religions strictly, of merging rule and religion as one. But in terms of the values taught, they were selfish and wanted only what would benefit the, what is in their interest. In the end, their actions were motivated by something rational – they wanted revenge, they wanted survival, they wanted resources. And this is human nature. The Crucible shows us what human nature is capable of going into unchecked, and must serve as reminder that we are not only creatures of survival, but that there is hope – we could rise above it and stand for what is good and just.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life

|Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life. | |[Type the document subtitle] | | | |Multiple sclerosis can be debilitating, however there are things that can be done to | |limit the amount of attacks a person may have. | | |Le’Sha Hairston | |10/10/2012 | | | Multiple Sclerosis and Living Life Le’Sha Hairston University Composition and Communication ll COM/156 Trista McCombs Multiple sclerosis and Living Life As a person with the disease! Knowing the effects first hand, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease.With MS, the body's white blood cells attack tissues called myelin. Changes to your diet and life style can help slow down the effects of multiple sclerosis. Some days will be better than others, but a normal life can be lived with the disease. June 24, 2004 eight years ago I was diagnosed with â€Å"Multiple Sclerosis†. A quote from talk show host, author, actor, and philanthropist â€Å"Montel Williams†, when the neurologist said those words- †Å"you have (MS)† it hit me like a ton of bricks. â€Å"I thought I was diagnosed with a death sentence†. As a person with the disease! Knowing the effects first hand, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease.With MS, the body's white blood cells attack tissues called myelin. Changes to your diet and life style can help slow down the effects of multiple sclerosis. Some days will be better than others, but a normal life can be lived with the disease Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that can be potentially debilitating to a person. Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which one’s immune system begins to attack the body. The white blood cells will attack a tissue in the body called the ‘Myelin’, which is the protective sheath covering of all nerve’s in the human body.By the Myelin being eating away this can and most likely will result in permanent damage to the nerve’s even deterioration, being that there is no reversible p rocess for (MS). There are many different symptoms for a person with Multiple sclerosis; it all depends on the damage and what particular nerves are affected. There is no cure for (MS), and the only way to determine is one has Multiple Sclerosis, is to rule out other diseases. Meaning using the process of elimination to determines one’s status. A person with a severe case of the disease will encounter many problems.Some of these problems are not having the ability to walk, talk, or any mobility at all. Even though there is no cure for the disease, there are strategies to treat an attack such as â€Å"anti-inflammatory medications†. Some of these medications are â€Å"Corticosteroids and Beta interferons†. Corticosteroids consist of different medications that decrease inflammation and help to reduce the symptoms and signs of inflammation. They also â€Å"suppress your immune system, which helps control the conditions in which your body’s immune system mis takenly attacks its own tissues† (http://www. mayoclinic. om/health/steroids/HQ01431), in thus case Multiple Sclerosis. Corticosteroids can be taken in many different ways such as: One can take corticosteroids by: †¢ By mouth. Tablets, capsules or syrups help treat the inflammation and pain associated with certain chronic conditions, such as arthritis and lupus. †¢ By inhaler and intranasal spray. These forms help control inflammation associated with asthma and nasal allergies. †¢ Topically. Creams, ointments and roll-ons can help heal many skin conditions. †¢ By injection. This form is used to treat such signs and symptoms as the pain and inflammation of tendinitis.While the six FDA-approved disease-modifying medications that treat multiple sclerosis are often successful in slowing the progression of (MS), like all drugs, they can also produce some side effects. The side effects of (MS) medications can range from mild (flulike symptoms or irritation at an injection site) to more serious (chest pain, an increased risk of heart toxicity, or even acute myelogenous leukemia, a kind of bone marrow cancer. So when taken any medication it should be consulted with your doctor on the best medication for any person to take while dealing with multiple sclerosis.Discussing all side effects will help the doctor know how tolerable you are to the medication. Any bruising, redness, swelling, itching, etc should be reported immediately. All the interferon’s such as Rebif, Avonex, and Betaferon can cause flulike response after an injection. This is managed by gradually starting with smaller does, then working up to full dose. Physical therapy is also another way to treat (MS) attacks, and modify the course of the disease as well as using muscle relaxants. Physical therapies that can be conducted are too help deal with the issues brought on by Multiple Sclerosis such as: Fatigue †¢ Pain †¢ Balance problems †¢ Coordination problems †¢ Weakness †¢ Immobility Physical therapy will help teach new movement techniques also. A healthy diet is something that should also be maintained when someone has Multiple Sclerosis. A person with a chronic illness should consume adequate calories including protein. This will help the body provide energy, heal any wounds and fight off any infections. A person with Multiple Sclerosis should maintain their weight, eat foods low in fat and cholesterol, and limit their sugar intake.Salt is something that should be moderate in a (MS) patient’s diet, along with drinking 8-8ounce glasses of water per day to maintain a good urinary track. Anyone with an illness should get plenty of rest, thus keeping the energy up. Anyone with Multiple Sclerosis can have a very fulfilling life. (MS) doesn’t have to determine the amount of fun you have. Yes it can become hard with all the medications and daily stipulations but it’s worth it to maintain life. I know someone w ho has had the disease since the age 19 years old. They woke up and couldn’t see anything, just flashing lights and a splitting headache.Rushed to the hospital and they couldn’t begin to explain the amount of testing that was done on them to gain a diagnosis. They had to make numerous changes in their life if they wanted t continue to be normal. These changes included not smoking (cigarettes), no alcohol, fatty foods, getting more rest, working less, being on many medications etc: an the list goes on. However, for the sake of their children and their family they were able to pull through. As they explained to me there are days that are great from them than there are days that is extremely hard. But it’s better than not being around at all as they said.There are days when their depression will set in and giving up is the only thing they want to do, doing so would be the easy way out. Fighting it to the end is the decision they made; having a wonderful support sys tem that keeping them motivated to live. Great children and a wonderful husband couldn’t ask for anything more. There’s nothing they can’t do everything is regular with some limitations. Multiple sclerosis is a potentially debilitating disease. However as long as you take your medications, exercise, and maintain a well balanced diet you can live a happy and normal life. It will also limit the amount of attacks a person will have.It doesn’t have to over take your life. Staying positive and having a great support system are strategies to help a person keep the faith and make it through. As a person with the disease! Knowing the effects first hand, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. With MS, the body's white blood cells attack tissues called myelin. Changes to your diet and life style can help slow down the effects of multiple sclerosis. Some days will be better than others, but a normal life can be lived with the disease. References: www. cnn. com www. mslifelines. com www. montelwilliams. com www. apolllolibrary. com www. everydayhealth. com

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fisionomia di un eroe

Fisionomia di un eroe Fisionomia di un eroe : l'individuo superiore nella letteratura europea di fine Ottocento(Huysmans, Wilde, d'Annunzio)"No, non cerco la felicit , ma il piacere, che tanto pi tragico."Oscar WildePremessaIn questo lavoro ho cercato di capire, attraverso l'analisi di tre romanzi che delineano la figura dell'individuo superiore, quali fossero le caratteristiche principali di tale personaggio sia nella letteratura che nella societ decadente.La ricerca non si basata solo sui romanzi, che comunque forniscono notizie sulla vita del tempo, ma anche su altri documenti che mi hanno permesso conoscere un'epoca e di individuare le idee dei sui principali rappresentanti.L'eroe infatti non rappresentato solo nella finzione narrativa, ma al contrario impersonificato dall'autore stesso, che, soprattutto nel periodo letterario, tende ad uniformare vita e arte, rendendone impercepibile e spesso inesistente la differenza.INTRODUZIONE AL DECADENTISMONel linguaggio comune decadente mantiene di solito una connotazione negativa, ma oggigiorno in letteratura diventato un attributo riferito ad un determinato periodo storico denominato appunto Decadentismo.English: French writer J.K. HuysmansQuesto momento letterario nasce al seguito del Romanticismo e da alcuni considerato una fase del Romanticismo stesso, tanto che si pu ² parlare di Decadentismo romantico e di Romanticismo decadente a seconda del prevalere di una delle due linee. In effetti Decadentismo e Romanticismo hanno numerosi caratteri comuni ed difficile tracciare una precisa linea che divida i due movimenti.Se infatti consideriamo il Romanticismo inglese ed il primo Decadentismo francese troviamo numerosi elementi di continuit come le raffinatezze descrittive e l'insistenza sulle cadenze musicali di Samuel Taylor Coleridge, che influirono su Edgar Allan Poe e quindi successivamente sui decadenti ; i libri profetici di William Blake, che anticiparono le teorie di Arthur Rimbaud sulla veggenza e sulla simbologia ; lo stesso gusto per la bellezza in John Keats, che ritorn ² come tematica nel...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to prove youre a leader on your resume

How to prove youre a leader on your resume One of the more common phrases you’ll hear from us and others when crafting your resume is, â€Å"Show, don’t tell.† It’s kind of like explaining a joke- if you have to do it, then your audience has most likely missed your point. And keep in mind that your audience is likely reading dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes that say things like, â€Å"I’m a natural leader† or â€Å"I am detail-oriented.† Anyone can say those things- what they want to see is that you can do those things in a real-life setting. So let’s look at some key words to show, not tell, your leadership skills. The key element here is using strong, active verbs. You’re doing! You’re succeeding! You’re seizing control! You’re not passive! You’re going for Superman, not mild-mannered Clark Kent here. No matter how forceful you are in person, you won’t get the chance to prove that unless your resume gets past the initial gat ekeeper who reads it. Paint a picture with your words and you’ll get to the in-person step where you can wow them with your personality.If you want to show creativity and innovation, here are words you can use:TransformedPilotedRevitalizedRefinedImprovedModernizedRevitalizedCreatedOriginatedDevisedImplementedTransformedIf you want to show financial leadership, here are words you can use:Streamlined costsSpurred growthDrove growthNegotiatedCut costsReduced overheadIf you want to show efficiency, here are words you can use:StreamlinedSimplifiedIf you want to show team leadership, here are words you can use:MotivatedCoachedLedAdvocatedSupportedMentoredHeadedEngagedEnergizedEmpoweredIf you want to show influential leadership, here are words you can use:InspiredMobilizedNegotiatedInfluencedSteeredWon the support ofLobbiedVocabulary choices may seem like extra homework, and that five minutes with a thesaurus will do the trick. But really, you should treat it like a chance to make y our resume a living document, with real-world examples of the qualities you want your resume reader to see right away. After all, the average resume gets about ten seconds of reading time before the reader either puts it into the â€Å"next stage† pile or dumps it in the â€Å"next please† pile. Your chance to make an impression is extremely limited, and good word choices will help you stand out from other people in the crowd who may have similar backgrounds or qualifications.When you’re writing (or revamping) your resume, use these words to come up with more concrete bullet points throughout your resume. Four to six thoughtful, specific examples, combined with these powerful verbs, tell a story much faster and more clearly than six generic bullet points about â€Å"responsibilities.† It shows that you have the experience to back up your statements. And in the meantime, you’re not boring the reader with the 47th rendition of â€Å"I Have Demonstra ted Leadership, Believe Me.† Instead, you’re showing what you’ve done to be a leader.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Email Regarding Cell Phone Use While Driving Assignment

Email Regarding Cell Phone Use While Driving - Assignment Example Nowadays, it is seen that many traffic accidents are there because of usage of cell phones while driving. We should not ignore this crucial disadvantage of cell phone usage while driving. In accordance to the laws made for cell phone usage in Texas as described by Governors Highway Safety Association (2009), the novice drivers who do not have a six months experience are forbidden to use cell phones for calling and text messaging while driving. In addition, the drivers who are travelling with passengers equal to seventeen or more than seventeen are also restricted not to use cell phones (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2009). In the light of described laws, the drivers should use company provided cell phones but they should be experienced in driving. In addition, they are required to park their vehicles for using cell phones. They are not allowed to use cell phones while driving. There is no exception for drivers driving inside Texas and outside Texas. The sales representatives will adhere to the company policy of using cell phones that is to park their vehicle and then attend to any call or text message. By this way, neither the business nor the employees will be affected